
A robust school masterplan enables you to look to the future with confidence, knowing you have a realistic development plan for what lies ahead

Masterplan development for schools and colleges

Across our 25 years+ experience of working within educational architecture, we’ve helped many independent and local authority schools re-imagine their buildings and facilities and strategically organise an achievable development vision.

We’ve undertaken numerous master planning projects to help bursars, governors and SLTs map out where they want to be in the future and how they are going to get there.

Masterplan development for schools and colleges

Reflecting your school’s specific character

What we have learned is that every school site is different; as is the ethos of the school and the way in which they educate their pupils.

Our masterplanning follows a phased process, working closely with you through each section before moving to the next.

We will often develop a 3D model of the complete school site to help your stakeholders in understanding the full implications of any existing constraints, opportunities and the proposals.

  • Stage 1: Drawing Information and Assimilation.
  • Stage 2: Site Analysis & School Operational Assimilation
  • Stage 3: Stakeholder Engagement
  • Stage 4: Initial Responses & Options
  • Stage 5: Draft Master Plan & Review
  • Stage 6: Final Master Plan 
Reflecting your schools specific character

The benefits of a school masterplan

A school masterplan is best viewed as a flexible document that can regularly be revisited to meet changing needs. But it should be robust enough to make sure that the overarching objectives of your school’s vision can be achieved.

Its principal benefits are:

  • You can be pro-active; rather than reactive. Your school master plan helps you to outline your educational vision and objectives, prepare for the future, and create an action plan.
  • You can make decisions more efficiently and cost-effectively, avoiding unnecessary ad-hoc building projects.
  • You can be strategic and determine a timescale (usually 10, 15 or 20 years), including outline phasing and timescales for individual projects.
  • Your masterplan acts as a tool for consensus for your staff and other stakeholders. Everybody can understand the direction of travel and see the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of each individual element.
  • You can use your school masterplan to engage early with your local planning authority on the the viability of your proposals for smoother planning approval ahead.
  • Your school masterplan will help you with your budgetary planning and formulating of funding requirements.
The benefits of a school masterplan
  • “We engaged with Miller Bourne to create a master plan that would allow us to bring our 150-acre site up to date as a modern college. Their strength, for us, is in their understanding of our 150-acre campus, which presents challenges with its listed buildings and setting. They approached it sympathetically, knowing the fabric, but at the same time displayed innovative flair. We return to the master plan now, time and time again, tweaking it, but using it as our ‘master guide’.”
    Dan Higgins, Ceo, Hurstpierpoint College